a critique of asian misogyny

a critique of asian misogyny 2

“White men who hate women love asian women.” Then said the evil Asian misogynist, who is so full of vitriol against Asian women. And he calls it the “western misogyny’s natural affinity toward East Asian women”.

The sophisticated Asian woman retorts: “As an open minded progressive liberal, and more importantly, as an Asian woman who is happily engaged to a White man, I often wonder how should I even respond to such a diatribe of racist rant that is constantly being thrown in the faces of any Asian woman who has been dating a White man?

But by not responding to those hateful, toxic discourse of pure hate, am I not conceding, admitting my own defeat? Therefore, I feel, it is my duty to clean up the terrible misconceptions people have about Asian women and White men. So in stead of merely dismissing such racist remarks as non sequitur illogical bunkum, as it actually is, (any racism is by nature illogical since race doesn’t exist) and passively leave it to pollute the air of discourse, as many Asian women do because we simply don’t care about such nonsensical hatred from angry Asian men, well, I want to respond to it in the most genteel and cogent way possible so that people can see that White men and Asian women are actually the nicest people, and that we are even nice to those who hate us, thereby proving once and for all that Asian women and White men form, truly, the most progressive relationships in the world.

So, is there any grain of truth in the racist remark uttered by the Asian misogynist? In fact, no. But where did the Asian misogynist get his taste for such flagrant disregard for truth and of the most glaring misconception of justice? As all misogynists do, he got his ideas from the founding fathers of misogyny, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, who both have expressed in their writings strong preferment for Asian women and for the Oriental treatment of women. Nietzsche not only openly condones the Oriental method of locking women in cages as something worthwhile to ponder upon—he writes, one “can only think of woman as ORIENTALS do: he must conceive of her as a possession, as confinable property, as a being predestined for service and accomplishing her mission therein;” and he goes on to praise the Asian misogynist’s treatment of women as logical and superior—but also, he’s not done yet, he further writes in Thus Spake Zarathustra that “then did I love such Oriental maidens and other blue kingdoms of heaven, over which hang no clouds and no thoughts.” If that’s not explicit enough, here is another quote: “Worse verily, doest thou here than with thy bad brown girls, thou bad, new believer!”  There is no doubt in my mind, that, if Nietzsche were alive today in modern America, he would have married an Asian woman.  And given how influential Nietzsche had been on western thought and culture, the modern misogynists almost all are invariably influenced by Nietzsche.

Similarly, Schopenhauer has written in the same vein, in his infamous essay “On Women”, praising the Asiatic way of enslaving women as sex slaves.

So, if those two are any indication, it would seemingly confirm that western misogynists do in fact love Asian women.

But, however, this is essentially false, as I will slowly, methodically, and calmly prove to you. First of all, both Schopenhauer and Nietzsche died miserable virgins who never actually have had the opportunity to have sex with a true Asian girl, and it is in fact true that misogynists do not go on to spread their misogynistic genes to the next generation. Witness all the great misogynists that ever lived, Emanuel Kant, Ludwig von Beethoven, Sir Isaac Newton—all those flagrant misogynists were, I’m glad to say, eliminated through natural selection. None of them was ever married or had children. So misogynists qua being misogynists do not have the joy of ever getting married or having intimate times with a live female, and that perhaps is why they are misogynists in the first time. So where does that lead us: by the law of contraposition, does not the fact that those White men actually can have Asian girlfriends prove in fact that they are not misogynists? That does not being able to be chosen by an enlightened feminist Asian girl who appreciates him not thereby negate the very possibility of a White man’s being a misogynist? Or otherwise, imagine this: if any of those great geniuses had had an Asian girlfriend who knew how to appreciate his divine genius, an Asian girl who’s supportive and affirmative to him in stead of a narcissistic White girl who jilted him, would any of them have become a misogynist in the first place? Imagine if Isaac Newton or Nikola Tesla had met a Chinese or Japanese girl who knew how to appreciate his genius; or, conversely, if Mark Zuckerberg did not actually find Priscilla Chan, then who knows what kind of scary misogynist the founder of Facebook would have turned out to be. So the fact of the matter is, Asian women are the natural cure for misogyny, and not its companion. The fact that there is an Asian girl present in a White man’s arms eliminates whatever misogyny there might have been, so that Asian women and misogyny are mutually exclusive to the point that misogyny thereby annihilates itself upon meeting Asian women.

Second, suppose those great misogynists such as Nietzsche were born in modern times, and they were able to get laid with a few Asian girls, which thereby actually cures their misogyny, well, but does that mean those White men were really at some points misogynists even though they have been cured of their misogyny by Asian women? No, and I will explain. That Asian girls overwhelmingly like White men is only because Asian women have it a lot worse under Asian misogynists so much so that even in the hands of Western misogynists Asian women are a lot happier and even freer, so the truth of the matter is that it is Asian misogyny that made Asian girls flee into the arms of White men. And some may say, but those White men were once misogynists. Well, what is important is that Asian women cured their misogyny. Furthermore, what White men consider as misogyny is far less misogynistic than what any Asian man would consider to be misogyny; in fact, White men’s misogyny is feminism by Asian men’s standard. There are certain various degrees of misogyny and to most Asian women, being a sex slave to a White man is a far better alternative than being married to an Asian man.

And third, it is not hard to see that any modern Asian girl would have easily seen through the misogynistic tendencies of any man and she would have most definitely avoided those misogynists. I am proud to say that such virulent misogyny as Nietzsche, who was probably a little Asian man trapped in a White man’s body, belong only to textbooks and libraries and do not exist in modern industrialized western civilization anymore and that Asian women and White men are actually the most healthy, progressive, feminist relationships in the world today, as evidenced by the fact that the vast majority of successful, smart, and intelligent Asian women choose White men as sexual partners and companions out of their free will.

And which brings us the final nail in the coffin: that no Asian woman is actually forced to marry a White man. She does it all out of her own self volition. That means no misogynist has any power over her because she is choosing the White man out of her own free will, and that proves once and for all that misogyny can’t possibly even exist, because misogynists enjoy enslaving women against their will, but all the unions between Asian women and White men are consensual and those Asian women who marry and date White men are not only very happy, but also looked up to by all the other Asian girls and we inherit their jealousies. If White men were really misogynists, then why do Asian women love White men so much?

Henceforward, we have proven once and for all that since even the most misogynistic White men are considered feminist by Asian standard and that since Asian men’s misogyny is far more brutal, so brutal that Asian women rather be slaves to White men than be married to Asian men, and that since fact that Asian men want to force Asian women not to marry White men, shaming Asian women for their choice and zealously wanting to enslave Asian women once again by calling White men misogynists, proves thereby in fact that those Asian men themselves, who call White men misogynists, are in fact the true misogynists who do not respect a woman’s right to choose; it is, therefore, in fact, Asian men who want to enslave Asian women against their wills, and not White men.

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